Living simply in the wild

Wake Up Wednesday: Fear

Fear does not stop death….it stops life.

After reading a great post on being afraid right HERE. I realized that i live with a lot of fear in my life. Fear of uncertainty mostly; of the unknown.

Lainie writes, “You’re not afraid of the dark. You’re afraid of what’s in it. You’re not afraid of heights. You’re afraid of the pain of falling. You’re not afraid of people around you. You are afraid of rejection. You’re not afraid to love.You’re just afraid of not being loved back. And you’re not afraid of traveling. You are simply afraid of the unknown.”

Kids are so observant too and pick up on the slightest of clues. I almost feel as if my fear has rubbed off on them. Having my kids live in fear is something i never wanted to happen. So it’s time i overhaul myself and rid myself of the things in my life that scares me. It does nothing but poison you and honestly being scared just sucks the life out of you.

Lainie also writes, “Fear cripples. Fear keeps people from their dreams. Fear is what has kept you from anything you want.”

So the kids and i are facing our fears. We’re facing the feelings of uncertainty, rejection, and not knowing the unknown. We will face the monsters zombies under the bed, walking through the dark at night, bad dreams, and the fear of being left home alone. And we will be stronger and more free because of it.


I wrote this post last week and even after writing it i was once again crippled with fear only a few days later. It seems i have a lot to work on within myself. It amazing me how fear can grasp ahold of you so hard that is starts manifesting itself physically. With our up and coming travels (check back tomorrow for details) i find myself in knots and angst over many aspects of the journey. I also find myself not completely alone. There’s people out there traveling the world right now who have dealt with the same issues. I’m not sure yet if that alone helps me choke back my own vomit, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. 

We are never alone in our struggles. Someone has been there before us. Everything passes…Everything Passes. 

4 responses

  1. Trisha

    I am presently riddled, crippled and filled with fear. It is almost to the point of being self-destructive. I have even thought of you and your family and wondered, how do they just go and take such an adventure? Only to find your post today discussing yourself as fearful at times. That amazes me. Thank you for sharing.

    September 4, 2013 at 9:22 am

    • Simply The Wildside

      Oh dear Trisha. Being afraid is so normal. We all are so normal. And not alone either. We all have our own fears and issues we deal with. I’m sure as time goes by you’ll read more on this blog thats ‘real’ and we’re just as scared and nervous about life as the next. We have wonderful moments and awful moments. And moments where we need a little kick in the butt to get back on the right track. Feel free to email me if you need someone tto talk to. I’m here 🙂 working through life, just as you are.

      September 4, 2013 at 9:57 am

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