Living simply in the wild

Park Rangers belt: What’s in it?

What Does a Park Ranger Carry on his/her belt?

Park Rangers Belt:

6 responses

  1. issac

    I want to be a park ranger when in older can I do that in high school or do have to go to college

    January 26, 2014 at 5:56 am

    • Simply The Wildside

      Issac. If you are still in high school i would recommend getting involved in the parks right now. To be a law enforcement ranger you have to goto an academy. Look into P.L.E.A. but in high school i would try to get a summer job as a park aide or even doing some volunteering inside a state or national park would be ideal. It gives you experience and a foot in the door. It’s an amazing career choice. Best of luck.

      January 26, 2014 at 10:51 am

      • Austin

        Does the park provide your firearm? If not, are you given a stipend for the firearm?
        What caliber and brand do you carry?
        Also, it looks as though you do not have to wear a kevlar vest, is this true?

        January 21, 2015 at 3:13 pm

      • Austin,
        My agency does provide a firearm, the process is the same as the majority of other law enforcement agency’s, in that they will issue you a firearm. I know that some agencies do require you to provide your own weapon so long as it meets that agencys policies. The agency that I represent issues a Smith & Wesson M&P .40. Wearing a ballistics vest is as far as I know mandatory for all beat level cops. So, yes I am wearing a vest and I wouldn’t consider doing this without it. Understand every agency has its own policies regarding all the elements of your question. I would advise you to ask the same questions to the agency your looking at. Thanks for the question I hope I answered it well enough.

        January 21, 2015 at 7:28 pm

      • Austin

        First off, thank you as you did answer the questions I asked.
        Are you the creator of this blog I assume? Or work together with “Simply the Wildside”?
        Regardless, I am in the process of applying to the SLEPT Program at Temple University and still have many questions, especially ones that would be National Park Ranger specific so could you leave me your email to enable us to communicate in a much more effective way?

        January 21, 2015 at 8:01 pm

      • Austin,
        Yes I am the creator of the blog. Please feel free to email me at
        I’d be happy to answer more questions you have as best I can.

        January 22, 2015 at 8:58 pm

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